The East Kentucky Science Center and Varia Planetarium serves as a hub of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education in eastern Kentucky. The facility is located on the Big Sandy Community and Technical College’s Prestonsburg campus. The center offers an exhibit hall with hands-on STEM activities and visuals, along with the Varia Planetarium - a 40-foot dome with a Spitz Sci-Dome projection system, the state's only GOTO Star Projector, and a laser light music show system.
Working with a team of educators, we developed the lessons then designed how to tailor the message to school-age children. Plus, the design is flexible – each display can be collapsed, allowing schools in the surrounding area to rent them individually or as a whole exhibition.
This was a great chance for us to design a full, multi-media exhibit from the ground up. We developed the name, logo, multi-media design, exhibits, graphic style, and the interactive, hands-on displays. The result is a dynamic, flexible tool to teach kids and adults about different types of energy. Visitors explore how they experience energy in their daily lives and what choices we can make to best apply our resources.
Brand Identity
Experiential Graphic Design
Exhibit Design
Murphy Catton Woodworking
Brand Identity
Experiential Graphic Design
Exhibit Design
Murphy Catton Woodworking